Halfway Away

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Why the UN Resolutions Couldn't Work

There are five countries on the UN Security Council: the United States, Britain, Russia, China, and France. Saddam knew France was the weakest member, so he targeted them as well as actively bribing Russian and Chinese officials. Here's an excerpt from the Scotsman:

SADDAM HUSSEIN believed he could avoid the Iraq war with a bribery strategy targeting Jacques Chirac, the President of France, according to devastating documents released last night.

Memos from Iraqi intelligence officials, recovered by American and British inspectors, show the dictator was told as early as May 2002 that France - having been granted oil contracts - would veto any American plans for war.

Saddam was convinced that the UN sanctions - which stopped him acquiring weapons - were on the brink of collapse and he bankrolled several foreign activists who were campaigning for their abolition. He personally approved every one.

To keep America at bay, he focusing on Russia, France and China - three of the five UN Security Council members with the power to veto war. Politicians, journalists and diplomats were all given lavish gifts and oil-for-food vouchers.

What more is there to say? Why did America need to "go it alone" (read: coalition not including France and Germany)? Because the UN Security Council wasn't ever going to aggressively move against Saddam in spite of the 17 resolutions that Saddam defied.

hat tip: Captain Ed


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