Halfway Away

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Let's open this thing up! I want this to be a forum to flesh out ideas. I want to keep turning the diamond around and examine all its facets. I want feedback. I want to highlight fresh news stories as well as sit back and dissect culture and worldviews.

I'd like to start by looking at a recent article in the National Catholic Register:

Using Church documents, Catholic Answers has written a guide citing "Five Non-Negotiable Issues" for Catholic voters.
"These five current issues concern actions that are intrinsically evil and must never be promoted by the law," says the guide. We used the guide as a starting point to compare each candidate’s positions.

The five issues mentioned in the article are (1) abortion, (2) euthanasia, (3) embryonic stem-cell research, (4) human cloning, and (5) homosexual "marriage". I know of many Catholics who, nonetheless, will be voting for John Kerry in the upcoming election. Has the Catholic church lost its ability to be an effective instrument in these times of moral relativity? Does truth matter? How do we navigate the waters where politics and religion run together? These are questions worth exploring...


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